Hosted by Dave Cohen, Robert Hardwicke, and Scott Katz 6304 SW 78th St, S. Miami, FL 33143 305-668-1676
1100 Coconut Creek Blvd. Coconut Creek If you want to play, please email to sign up:
Hosted by Dave Cohen, Robert Hardwicke, and Scott Katz 6304 SW 78th St, S. Miami, FL 33143 305-668-1676
Special DATE!! Due to the Holidays, we have changed the date for this month's open mic! Come join us and play!
Hosted by Dave Cohen, Robert Hardwicke, and Scott Katz 6304 SW 78th St, S. Miami, FL 33143 305-668-1676
Hosted by Dave Cohen, Robert Hardwicke, and Scott Katz 6304 SW 78th St, S. Miami, FL 33143 305-668-1676
Hosted by Dave Cohen, Robert Hardwicke, and Scott Katz 6304 SW 78th St, S. Miami, FL 33143 305-668-1676
1100 Coconut Creek Blvd. Coconut Creek If you want to play, please email to sign up: